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Input events

Commodities can react to gloabl input events using ParseIX() and MatchIX() API. Input event types are:

Input classDescription
rawkeyKeyboard events
rawmouseMouse events
pointerposPointer position
timerTimer events
newprefsSystem settings changed event
diskremovedMassstorage removal event
diskinsertedMassstorage insertion event

Events can use following qualifiers:

shiftLeft or right shift key
lshiftLeft shift key only
rshiftRight shift key only
capslockCaps lock on
capsCaps lock on or any shift key is pressed
controlLeft or right control key
altLeft or right alt key
laltLeft alt key only
raltRight alt key only
lcommandLeft command key (Amiga, Apple or Windows key)
rcommandRight command key (Amiga, Apple or Windows key)
numericpadNumeric pad
mouse_leftpressLeft mouse button pressed
mouse_middlepressMiddle mouse button pressed
mouse_rightpressRight mouse button pressed
mouse_fourthpressRight mouse button pressed